“There is a possible!”: this is the meaning of the Coach-Nego logo ∃◊

Every complex situation, crisis or conflict, contains an opportunity. While this may seem counter-intuitive and optimistic, it’s nevertheless a logical, cognitive consequence: as long as it’s possible to act, then it’s possible to act in a relevant way.

What’s that opportunity you haven’t yet seized, and perhaps haven’t yet even imagined?

Coach-Nego’s promise and mission is to help you widen the field of possibilities so that you can act and interact in a way that is satisfying for you.

To move from being an actor, where you play a given role, to being an author, where you write your own part.

  • Complex negotiation and professional mediation help to analyze the situation, anticipate scenarios of unfavorable evolution and map the stakeholders and their intentions in order to establish a strategy and an action plan that opens up the field of possibility once again, particularly in complex crisis management or change management situations.
  • Professional coaching, whether individual or collective, develops confidence, efficiency and the use of each person’s own resources to engage in a positive dynamic.
  • Professional supervision enables you to step back and reflect on your own practice, posture and position in the systemic complexity of the situation, with support, case-solving, development and empowerment. It helps transform experience into expertise.

The combination of coaching, mediation and negotiation enables us to optimize human capital, factors and potential to resolve conflict:

  • before a conflict, crisis or change, to anticipate and prepare for it (labor negotiations, PSE, M&A transformation and reorganization, crisis management, change of direction, request for a raise, interpersonal relations, etc.) ;
  • during conflict, crisis or change, to stand back, decide, be effective and act appropriately;
  • after the conflict, crisis or change, to analyze it, learn from it, bounce back and develop resilience.


Coaching • Co-development • co-construction

We support you and your team in the development of your potential and your human capital, and more specifically decision-makers in crisis and conflict situations.


  • Active listening
  • Empathy
  • Coaching
  • Co-development
  • Co-construction
  • Crisis management coaching
  • Coaching of highly gifted profile
  • Online & remote coaching




Training • Diffusion • Conference

We design, develop and deliver trainings as per follows:


  • Complex negotiation and conflict negotiation
  • Management of emotions and communication with complex profiles
  • Non-violent communication
  • Crisis management
  • Self-efficiency
  • Co-construction
  • Co-development


Negotiation • Mediation • Facilitation • Crisis Management

We support you and your team during complex negotiation, in France and oversees.


  • Set up and monitoring of mediation team
  • Crisis and negotiation coaching
  • Situation analysis
  • Stakeholders and stakeholder’s mapping
  • Worst case scenarios
  • Strategy and action plan
  • Crisis communication
  • Monitoring and RETEX



Benjamin SYLVAND


Benjamin SYLVAND

Expert in human factors in complex environments, Benjamin SYLVAND assists individuals, decision-makers, teams and organizations facing difficult crises and conflicts.

A Doctor of Philosophy, he defended a thesis on cognitive adaptation to the world and social interactions at the Sorbonne in 2005. He also holds a master’s degree in communication, a certification in complex negotiation and a diploma in conflict mediation (CAP’M). He is an accredited professional coach (ICF, PCC), supervisor (ESQA, PSF) and certified master practitioner and trainer in Ericksonian hypnosis (FFHTB, WHO, NGH).

He has directed digital pedagogy projects at Sciences Po Paris, including the launch of MOOCs, as well as training initiatives at Castorama France and Kingfisher. Today, he works with various agencies and companies as a crisis management consultant and conflict negotiator.

His expertise covers both private and public conflicts. He teaches crisis management and conflict resolution at various schools, universities and companies.

His approach focuses on the individual and optimizing human potential, particularly in complex contexts. In 2017, he created Coach-Nego, offering personalized support and coaching for complex crisis and conflict situations, and co-founded Hyphen-médiation in Canada in 2023.

He works in France and internationally, offering services in French and English, face-to-face or remotely.

He is the author of Faciliter la résolution de conflit, Interéditions, Dunod 2023 (in French).




    Based in Lille and Paris, Coach-Nego operates throughout France and abroad, on-site at your premises or in a business center, and remotely.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us via the form or by phone:

    +33 (0)

    Set up a meeting



    Me suivre sur LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=benjaminsylvand
